Exchange Rates

Please note that these rates were correct as dated and are presented here for guidance only. They will be updated occasionally but there is no intention for this page to keep regular track of the currency markets.

CountryCurrency£ / $CurrencyDate
Australia Dollar £1 2.52 30/1/00
Austria Schilling£1 21.83 23/8/01
Belgium Franc£1 64.18 23/8/01
Canada Dollar£1 2.14 23/8/01
Cyprus Pound£1 0.91 23/8/01
Denmark Krone£1 11.88 23/8/01
France Franc£1 10.39 23/8/01
Germany Mark £1 3.12 23/8/01
Greece Drachma£1 542 23/8/01
Holland Guilder£1 3.49 23/8/01
Hong Kong Dollar£1 12.38 30/1/00
India Rupee£1 62.92 30/1/00
Ireland Punt£1 1.24 23/8/01
Italy Lira£1 3092 23/8/01
Kenya Shilling£1 102 23/8/01
Japan Yen£1 182.30 6/1/99
Malaysia Ringgit£1 5.96 31/1/99
Mexico Peso£1 16.82 31/1/99
New Zealand Dollar£1 2.54 30/1/00
Norway Krone£1 12.77 23/8/01
Portugal Escudo£1 318 23/8/01
South Africa Rand£1 11.38 23/8/01
Spain Pesata£1 263 23/8/01
Sweden Krona£1 14.80 23/8/01
Switzerland Franc£1 2.40 23/8/01
Thailand Baht£1 55.75 30/1/00
Turkey Lira£1 1,888,882 23/8/01
USA Dollar£1 1.39 23/8/01

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