Embassies in the UK - Backpack Traveller

Embassies in the UK

Here are the phone numbers for visa enquires of embassies in the UK.Quite a few of the numbers (0891) are premium rate numbers and often have recorded information.

Albania 0171-730-5709

Argentina 0171-318-1340

Bolivia 0171-235-4255

Bahrain 0171-370-5123

Brazil 0171-930-9055

Bulgaria 0891-171-208

Burma 0171-499-8841

Chile 0171-580-1023

China 0891-880-808

Colombia 0891-880-890

Croatia 0171-387-1144

Czech Republic 0891-171-267

Egypt 0891-88-7777

Estonia 0171-589-3428

France 0171-838-2051

Ghana 0181-342-8686

Guatemala 0171-351-3042

Hungary 0171-235-4048

India 0891-880-800

Japan 0171-465-6500

Jordan 0891-171-261

Kenya 0171-636-2371

Latvia 0171-312-0040

Luxembourg 0171-235-6961

Macedonia 0171-499-5152

Mexico 0171-235-6393

Nepal 0171-229-1594

Pakistan 0891-880-880

Peru 0171-235-6867

Poland 0891-200-281

Portugal 0891-600-202

Romania 0171-937-9667

Russain Federation 0171-229-8027

Slovakia 0891-600-360

South Africa 0891-441-100

Spain 0171-589-8989

Taiwan 0171-396-9152

Thailand 0891-600-150

Turkey 0171-235-5252

USA 0891-200-290

Ukraine 0891-515-919

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